Studio | Soo Sunny Park

Manager | Seung Mo Park Studios

Director of Operations | Curator : Waterfall Mansion and Gallery. 170 E 80th Street. New York NY 10075


November 2021 - "Kinstugi” - Span Architecture. Location: Warhol Hook and Ladder. New York City, NY


May 2016 - "Sacrifice in Sidewalks - The Art of Kintsugi" Curated by Spark and Echo. New York City, NY


January 2020: Transform Residency Show. Red Hook Brooklyn, NY.

November 11 - January 2020: “assent/Ascent”. Curated by Joyce Y. Lee & Albert Pedulla. All Angel’s Gallery. New York City, NY.

June 27th - August 20th 2017: "Bouyancy". Curated by Gerald D. Auten. Dartmouth University Hopkins Centre for Art. Hanover, NH. 

December 2nd - January 11th 2016: "Til We Have Faces". Curated by Eva Ting and Christina Young Perry. New York City, NY. 

April 30th- May 3rd 2015:  Artspot Special Group Exhibition " A Touch of Remembrance". Curated by Grace Noh. New York City, NY.  


November 2017 - January 2018: "Spark and Echo". Curated by Elias Popa. Kings College. New York City, NY.

February 3rd-April 20th 2016: "The Need For My Care" Celebrating phenomenal women in art. Curated by Doo Eun Choi, Elias Popa, Kate Shin. New York City, NY.  

May 3rd - June 8th 2016: "Silence and Beauty" Makoto Fujimura Solo Show. Curated by Makoto Fujimura and Elias Popa. New York City, NY. 


Re.Write Magazine - Re.Write Magazine Article 

Wall Street International -

Christian Union Magazine -


Sept 2019 - January 2020: Artist in Resident, Transform Art Residency. Red Hook Brooklyn, NY.

August 3rd-5th 2015:  Recipient of CFW Working Artist Residency Intensive. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 

January 28 2016: Faith and Arts Panel. Panel Speaker. Columbia Faith and Action. Columbia University.